Eagle Iron Works’ Dewatering Screens are specifically designed to provide a final and more complete drying of a partially dewatered product from a sand screw.
Typically, a Fine Material Washer will discharge material with a moisture content of around 20%. The addition of an Eagle Dewatering Screen can lower the moisture content to 7-10%. Stacking sand product until it is dry enough to be sold can take time and valuable space. The Eagle Dewatering Screen can be added to any brand of screw washer to drastically cut moisture content, leaving you with a drier product that you can sell sooner.
Featuring high-quality wear liners and heavy-duty urethane screen media, the Eagle Dewatering Screen is built to handle high G-forces. A divider deck is an optional feature that allows you to separate your product. Additionally, Eagle offers the ability to return fines back to a screw in a controlled measure to reduce your overall water footprint.
How The Eagle Dewatering Screens Work
Dewatering Screens | Eagle Iron Works
How Dewatering Screens Work
Slurry is fed onto a Dewatering Screen to achieve rapid drainage. As water quickly begins to drain, the sand builds up on the screen media surface. Counter-rotating motors create a motion that conveys solids to the discharge end of the screen as water drains through the screen media. The screen media, along with a discharge weir, creates a deep bed of sand that acts as filter medium, allowing retention of material much finer than the screen openings.
The Eagle Dewatering Screen is installed horizontally, as opposed to on an incline. Because this Dewatering Screen is specifically designed to be fed by a Fine Material Washer, the majority of water content has already been removed and no pool of water is being formed. This allows for a higher discharge point from the screen, so stacking conveyors fit better underneath the discharge end.
Spray bars can be included to provide a final wash to remove additional fine material, and a pump is also available to return Dewatering Screen underflow to the Screw Washer or to a designated area.
The Product Features of The Eagle Dewatering Screen
High-Quality Wear Liners
- Side plate life extended with bolt-on liners
- Rubber-lined discharge chute
- Polyurethane covered media stringers
- Optional crossbeam rubber lining
Screen Media
- For additional versatility, optional dividers can split the screen deck
- Heavy-duty media design allows for heavier loading
- Standard “pin-less” media system
Heavy-Duty Construction
- Huck bolts to minimize welding
- Re-enforced crossbeams and stringers
Design Features
- Discharge height increase with low vertical footprint at feed point
- Energy conscious with low HP vibratory motors
Remove the Last Amount of Moisture for Stockpiling or Immediate Handling
- Ideal for Fine Material Washer discharge
- Separator or Bucketwheel underflow
- Material with less than 30% moisture
Click HERE for the Dewatering Screen Brochure