INDUSTRY INSIDER | September 5, 2024

Adults-Only Theme Park Lets You ‘Live Out a Video Game’ Where You Drive Tanks and Crush Cars

Original Source: FocusOn Land Improvement Contractors
Car Crushing

IT’S time the leave the bumper cars to the kids and take things up a notch by driving a tank.

If you’ve ever had the urge to drive heavy equipment and crush cars, one adults-only theme park will turn your dirty dreams into a reality.

Located in North Georgia, Tank Town USA lets you “live like you were in a video game” by driving “actual tanks.

Just take a drive to Morganton in the Blue Ridge Mountains and let loose behind the wheel of a large combat vehicle.

And there are even more ways to take out any pent-up energy or frustrations.

Tank & Excavator DrivingThat includes finding yourself looking down from a 40,000-pound construction excavator.

With your new machine, you will be ready to dig a “massive hole.”

The fun doesn’t have to stop there as you can then fill it back up, all within 15 minutes.

After some safety lessons from the park pros, your tank time will come.

After all, your car-crushing fantasy is their command.

The first part of the experience includes driving an “exciting” tank course.

You then have all of 25 minutes to flatten as many vehicles as you can.

You will be given the opportunity to hear a “hood crumple and glass shatter” as you destroy a car with 17 tons of military steel.

You’ll also be sure to get your money’s worth as they help ensure that you hit the car from “every angle.”

You can also add a second driver.

Six passengers are able to accompany each person behind the wheel.Guests are even invited to sit behind the wheel of an excavator and dig holes

You can also shoot machine guns within the safe confines of the five-acre theme park setting.

They even invite you to get a test out their M1919 machine guns.

Prices for the various experiences range from $175 and $599.